
Parametrisierung eines eindimensionalen Modells zur Selbstdiffusion von Polymeren
Modelling, Simulation, Chemistry, FRAP
Modelling and simulating the self-diffusion of polymers in nanoporous membranes. In such membranes the diffusion happens effectively one-dimensional, reducing the model complexity so an analytic solution is possible.
Einfluss von Demografie auf die Verschreibungszahlen von Arzneimitteln
Analysis, Pharmaceutical drugs, Demographic change
Analyzing existing records on the prescription of pharmaceuticals in different age groups. With this analysis a simple estimate of the effect of a changing demographic, towards the higher age groups, can take place. This effect is relevant for the evaluation of certain groups and individual pharmaceuticals, which are already suspected of causing significant emissions into the water cycle.
Fragmentierung von Vogelhabitaten
Simulation, Actor model, Habitat of avians, Forestry
Using a simple actor based model for the habitation and reproduction behaviour of avians, simulations are run to determine the correlation of forest density to the survivability of small populations.
Licence under evaluation
Aufruhr/Kollektives Verhalten
Modeling, Simulation, Actor model, Social unrest
We extend the actor based model for riots in spatially connected groups developed by Granovetter. This extension covers the distribution and connections of actors on a spatially confined grid and possible strategies for containing a riot with both passive and active intervention. We present an analysis for a corpus of simulation runs and discuss the weaknesses of the model.
Licence under evaluation

Interactive Fiction

Four Horsemen: Chapter 1
LD35, interactive fiction, game jam
My entry for the Ludum Dare 35 game jam. More akin to interactive fiction than a game, although the line is blurry. You explore the world in the near future, where things have gotten really out of hand and old mythology, believed to be nothing but fairy tales, suddenly becomes relevant in everyday life. The theme for the jam was "Shapeshift".


Post-Mortem on Minotaur
Post-Mortem, Game development, LD33
A post-mortem on our Ludum Dare 33 entry "Minotaur". We look back at what worked, what didn't and how to improve workflow.
Card game, Metagaming, Stacks
A card game that tries to integrate aspects of metagaming into the game itself. Players play cards on stacks (much like the data structure, as well as physical stacks of cards), that have direct effects or manipulate the composition of stacks. The game is decidedly not paradox-free.